Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcoming post

This blog has been a bit of a long time coming.

My hope here is to relay my experience in fixing my big tv. A few years ago I found another website in my own search for help when my television had a major failure. Replacing the lamp hadn't worked and I was facing the expense of a professional repair or putting money into a new television... much like you may be facing now.

I'd pretty much decided to replace the tv with a new one which made the decision to tinker with the broken television really easy. "It can't get more broke than broke," is an expression I use every so often. It gives me license to take things apart and see how they may have worked before they quit working.

You may have found some websites offering to sell you repair manuals or part diagrams. I found them too. Like me you may have been left with an uneasy feeling reading the broken English, sad grammar, all too convenient PayPal buttons, and generally sketchy page layouts. Well, fear not because I have the repair manual. If not already linked somewhere on this page, I will find a way to share it, free of any charge.

Long story short, from that one niche on the web where I first posted asking for help I've made contact with a growing number of other owners of the same and similar model televisions... that have all failed in some way. We were able to help one another out and get our tvs working again! Sharing that fact for me led to a steady stream of new emails from other frustrated owners seeking help.

And from there, this humble blog grows.

Time and again people write in hope of pictures to study as that seed of hope for a fix for their dead tv starts to bud. I've had some tough times at home lately, but I'm coming out of them now. One of the things I wanted to do was to go back and document the fixes, taking pictures along the way, and share them through something like this blog.

So while this first post may not have the answers just yet, others will. I've just recently replaced the lamp in my tv again so I can show you what a bad one looks like. I want to clean the tv again as well and because I am confident having taken it apart and fixed it once before, I will take pictures along the way and show you the ballast controller board and color wheel on the light engine tray.